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Materials and Chemicals

With the growing skills gap and evolving technologies, the Materials and Chemicals industry is undergoing significant transformation across sustainability, digitalization, and agility.

Materials & Chemicals

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The RightWorks Difference

At RightWorks, values and culture aren’t just talk. We work actively to have an environment where we know our employees will want to work at.

Expert Talent

It’s not always finding talent that’s the issue. It’s finding the right talent that poses a challenge. RightWorks has relationships with professionals who have the subject matter expertise you need.

A Combination of Hard and Soft Skills

Our talent comes equipped with the right hard skills and soft skills. From biotechnology and forecasting/modeling to the communication, leadership, and attention to detail you’re looking for.

Showcase Your Value

We’ll help you advocate for your organization, by communicating your industry’s future, as well as the wide range of opportunities existing in the wider chemical industry.

Uphold Integrity

Practice Excellence

Growth Opportunity

Our Process

Discover our recruiting process to see how we help find your best match.

Best Suited

We refine our candidate pool to include individuals that are best suited for your role, and that can make the largest impact on your business.

Discovery Session

We hold an initial discovery session to better understand your needs, and what success looks like for you.

Shared Criteria

We vet the top candidates based on our shared criteria of success, so you only engage with the best of the best candidates.


We evaluate the outcome of each placement to ensure ongoing satisfaction and success from both parts.